NOTICE OF AGM and Association Accounts
Click on either of the above pages for a bigger version.
A copy can also be found in the summer 2024 edition
of The Veteran
Time to renew your membership
It is that time of the year and membership renewals are now due. Renewal forms and details can be found on this link
At the Annual General Meeting on 20th June 2023 members approved a special resolution to lower the qualifying period for membership from 30 to 25 years.
The change is effectively immediately so if you have colleagues, former colleagues or friends who satisfy the new 25 year requirement please tell them about the change and encourage them to join the association.
Website Statstics are on the Move!
If you enjoy reading the monthly website statistics, the reports have now moved to its own page under "About Us"
The Veteran - Back Copies from the 70's
We are attempting to make sure that our Archive contains every single copy of our magazine the Veteran, from its inception.
There are 9 missing copies, all from the 1970's, if you have issue numbers 1 through to 6 or 9, 11,12 do please consider donating them to our Archive, we would be most grateful.