The Veteran magazine
The Veteran magazine is published four times each year in March, June, September and December.
Articles and letters in The Veteran provide a valuable record of careers in often neglected fields: behind the camera in film and television production, including film processing; in cinemas (managers, projectionists, etc.); and film distribution and film and television sales, etc.
Articles are normally written by Veterans but articles and photographs about past and present Veterans by non-members are also published, as are letters from bonafide researchers seeking information and reminiscences from our members. Books and DVDs of particular interest to Veterans are reviewed. Each issue normally includes a crossword, member's letters and a list of new and passing members.
The magazine can be obtained by subscription for those ineligible to join our association. Current and back issues can also be consulted in the British Film Institute's Library. The Editor, Mr. Allen Eyles, will be glad to help researchers regarding the contents of back issues and to respond to offers of articles, items for review and letters for publication.
The Editor can be contacted by telephone 01444 455 763, or by post or email via the office:
British Cinema and Television Veterans
22 Golden Square